Charges my batteries epically fast!! As always solid product by a solid group of people!
Does exactly what is expected and the light indicators let me know when it has completed its job. The price is excellent.
David Archambault
Great charger!
Patrick H.
Perfect it’s not to gaudy.I bought an MTM case to keep the charger and some extras,usb cables,adapters everything I use with my power box for charging.this whole setup just takes wilderness power to another level,lightweight,solar,love the box and the charger!!!
Keith Shepherd
We were worried that this wasn’t the corrrect charger for the lithium battery. It was on the page of the battery chosen, but the wording is cofusing. It only says that the specific charger is needed. It doesn’t actually say this is that specific charger. Once we received it, we seen that it was the correct one. It charged up the battery in about 1 hour.
Donald D.
Great charger, love it.
No other charger I have tried charges my battery to its 14.3 volt maximum, only this one does.
Works great!!